2017: A Mother’s Day “First” for Me

May 14th – Mother’s Day

2017: A Mother’s Day “First” for Me

“There’s a first for everything. This is a first I’ve never look forward

to. It’s my first Mother’s Day without my mother. My Mother died this

past December. She was 88 years old and struggled for years with

heart issues. I find it interesting that a woman who had the most

amazing, kind heart and soul was, in the end, betrayed by

her own physical heart when it finally gave out. My last few days with

her I will count among the most precious of my life. Nothing was left unsaid.

This years Mother’s Day piece was inspired by my last few days I

had with her, sharing with her my gratefulness for her love, her

dedication and devotion to me as her child and the inspiration she will

forever be to me. I know from experience that you feel the same way

about your mom too. So here it is, my newest addition to my Mom

collection as well as a few classics to share.

Whether it’s one of these pieces or one you write yourself, this

Mother’s Day take my advice and remember:

Life is uncertain, leave nothing left unsaid.”

Suzy Toronto

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