Here’s a pic of four of the the original five Wacky Irish Goddesses in our family — my mother, the oldest and tallest of the group with three of her sisters. For the past several years they have gathered at my home to celebrate the season with my mom, who is not able to travel. It takes me a week to recover from all their shenanigans after they leave — they simply wear me out. This photo taken last year, was my mothers last. Now that my mama is gone, I carry on the tradition. She instilled within me the love of my heritage and I will always remember, being Irish isn’t about one day, it’s about being Irish 365 days a year and proudly showing the world.

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I’m HEART BROKEN! I can’t find a planner for 2019 anywhere. I’ve looked since July. Is there one coming or are they forever discontinued?
Hello Renae, Suzy will not be having a planner this year due to production issues. But she will be having one for 2020. She just wrapped it up and it is headed out for final approval and printing.