About Suzy Toronto

About Me

About SuzyToronto
Ok, So… This is me!


I’m a tad wacky and just shy of crazy. I’m fifty-something and live in Tangerine, Florida, with my husband, Al, and a big, goofy dog. And because life wasn’t crazy enough, my 83-year-old parents live with us, too.

(In my home, the nuts don’t fall far from the tree!) I eat far too much chocolate, and I drink sparkling water by the gallon. I practice yoga, ride a little red scooter, and go to the beach every chance I get.

I have five grown children and twelve grandkids, who love me as much as I adore them. I teach them to dip their French fries in their chocolate shakes and sing the silliest songs. But most of all, I teach them to never, ever color inside the lines. This is the Wild Wacky Wonderful life I lead, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Launi & Suzy Toronto
Me & Launi

I have been blessed throughout my life to be surrounded by the most amazing women…my mother, my daughters, my sister and my friends.As close as l am to all of them, there is one who is set apart from the rest… my best friend, Launi. I call her my “bestie” but in reality we are so much more…we are kindred spirit. There have been times in both of our lives when we’ve clung to each other as if our lives depended on it, and come to find out… they did. Together we have weathered some of life’s greatest storms. When I count my blessings, I really do count her twice. The only woman I’ve ever met who’s life is more upside-down and inside-out than my own, she is, without a doubt, the wackiest woman I know.

Husband Al

Here is my husband Al, enjoying the afternoon at the Sandy Mountain Art Festival in Oregon. I am fortunate to have a man in my life who “gets-it!” He is a fabulous support for me and my art. I often tease him at shows and call him my “Beast of Burden.” But the truth is, without him, both physically and emotionally, I wouldn’t be able to survive in this business. He’s an amazing guy! Today he runs the financial/legal end of our growing studio. Thank goodness he has a left brain that can figure that all out ’cause heaven knows, I do not have one!!!!

Chase with Dog

I’m often asked about our youngest son… the wacky kid who started it all. The youngest of our five children. Chase is now 30 years old, a computer genius and flies airplanes for a hobby.

He’s married with a baby on the way and living a life worth loving at the base of the Wasatch Mountain in Salt lake City Utah.. Viewing the world from his own wacky perspective, Chase helps out with the business computers and joins us occasionally at shows. To this day we all still tease him about his innocent question that started the Wonderful Wacky Women line. “Mommy, who is she that grew me In her tummy?”

He was the wackiest little kid who has grown into the most amazing man…and he still makes us all laugh. I smile whenever I think about him.

Any questions,comments, or ideas, just call 352-383-8732

Or you can email me at suzy@suzytoronto.com