There is simply no doubt about it… I am a beach girl. I love to have sand between my toes and salt in my hair. (it makes it look & feel way thicker than it otherwise is!) But the fact is that there is no place in the world I am more at peace than when I am floating in the water with the waves gently caressing and rocking me. I’m quite convinced that in a former life I must have been a mermaid. Many of you don’t realize that I have an entire mermaid collection! While I exhibit it at many of my art shows, down here in Florida, it hasn’t really been seen much. I decided, on a whim, to give you a peek into my aquatic world of mermaids. Enjoy…My collection of wonderful wacky mermaids I called “Divas of the Deep”.
–Aloha, Suzy
I would love to have one of your datebooks I had a stroke and they showed us how to use them for our memory book to write down what we do.
And to put our doctors appointments in there so it’s our past future and present. And it’s also been proven that writing things down is better when you write something down it’s recorded in your memory strip of your brain so there is Proof that writing things down helps your mind to recall the memory assignment better than putting things in a lap top or a electronic device.
That can get wet or stolen and then everything would be gone or dropped and damaged.But you could also lose your date book that’s what they tell us to call it but they have it with a time slot allowance for every hour and quite a few lines to write down Appt’s and they have on the other page for the same day for you to write down the events that happened on that day so if you forget all you have to do is look back and see oh yeah I went to that doctor on Monday or I went to lunch with her on Tuesday and you take it everywhere so you can write down the places you go to when you do them but I think yours would be a fun one to have.
I wanted to look at one but I couldn’t get them to come up so I can look at them. I just have my I phone but would love be to see a page out of one to see if it would work to let my therapist view the page you email me or text me.
I want a fun one I will try to send you a page of my datebook they been using this same company for 20 years now I can’t remember the suppliers name.
But I will also email that to you as well.
I just ordered a large one but I think I like the smaller one better the small one is a 3 ring binder the big one is a 5 ring binder. I like the smaller one better cause I have R A and it is heavy oh well.
I will stop for now but thank you for taking time out of your life to read this book I sent you sorry so long.
Thank you so very much,
Rose Williams
Hello Rose, Due to some production errors we are not having a planner this year. We are however, going to have a 2020 planner for purchase in July of 2019… already in production, no time slot allowances are included this time. Keep your eye open for emails around that time. (they will be listed on the HOME page of the website as well)
I found your web site from Google and also I have to say it was a terrific find.
Many thanks!
Thanks a bunch .Would you like to be added to my email list?
Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, thankyou.
Thanks Alva. I post every Tuesday!