Divas of the Deep “MERMAID” Collection


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laying out

There is simply no doubt about it… I am a beach girl. I love to have sand between my toes and salt in my hair. (it makes it look & feel way thicker than it otherwise is!) But the fact is that there is no place in the world I am more at peace than when I am floating in the water with the waves gently caressing and rocking me. I’m quite convinced that in a former life I must have been a mermaid. Many of you don’t realize that I have an entire mermaid collection! While I exhibit it at many of my art shows, down here in Florida, it hasn’t really been seen much. I decided, on a whim, to give you a peek into my aquatic world of mermaids. Enjoy…My collection of wonderful wacky mermaids I called “Divas of the Deep”.

–Aloha, Suzy

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