Book SSWWW Vol.#1Book SSWWW Vol.#1

My First Book… My Baby

Buy One, Get One FREE - Book SSWWW Vol.#1
My first book.  My baby.  I know I shouldn’t have a favorite but I do and this is it.  Perhaps because through this book I am able to share with you a glimpse into my world, my family and my dearest friends and mentors.  It is these women who help shape me into who I am today.  The most interesting thing after all these years is that weekly I get emails and notes from women all over The world who tell me that they have a friend just like… And then mention one of the characters in my book. It never fails! A week hardly ever goes by that I don’t get one. It warms my heart to know that both you and I have people like this in our lives friends that are with us through thick and thin and who make us truly have that life worth loving we strive for.
Now my original book is back in it’s tenth printing ( can you believe that?   Who knew it would be such a hit?). Complete with funky wacky art, each chapter is followed by a yummy tried and true recipe from my friend whom the chapter was written about. After all what’s a gathering the girlfriends without something yummy to eat?

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